
WSVR0028I: The product has expired

This explains how to get rid of the WSVR0028I error.
Solution is about the /properties/was.license file, which can be copied among different systems and always return the following MD5 checksum: c60f4e18d530bf4e7c8315e23fd1dbf9.

Restoring a Snapshot Fails with Insufficient Permissions Error

You can find some very useful hints here.


Quick encoding mov to avi using mencoder

mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -oac mp3lame -lameopts vbr=3 file.mov

How to setup BOINC on your Debian box

I've found this troubleshooting page very useful.

If unable to connect via Boinc Manager, remember to add your ip and pwd (the one written into /var/lib/boinc-client/gui_rpc_auth.cfg) in Advanced > Select computer.